Can't say that I recognize those names although Mark Nadolny sounds vaguely familiar.
i guess i should introduce myself for i am a new poster-boy :-) my name is jason howard and i currently reside in santa cruz, california.
i spent the first 24 years of my life as a jw, starting in danbury, ct, then to fayetteville & charlotte, nc, and finally brooklyn, bethel, where finally all of my negative inner thoughts and feelings were confirmed.
(from the ages of 14-24 i always felt something just didn't add up with the organization, but i could never quite put a finger on it) i spent my career at bethel in the brooklyn warehouse/purchasing departments and worked with some really great individuals.
Can't say that I recognize those names although Mark Nadolny sounds vaguely familiar.
like a typical witness goody-goody-two-shoes, i eschewed college in favor of "theocratic pursuits" when i was a teen (i.e.
over 5 yrs at bethel).
now, at age 26, with my eyes opened and purged of the witness insanity, im thinking about college again.
Hey Joe,
DO THE COLLEGE THING, MAN. When I left Bethel I had various skills and aptitude but no degree left me behind in a lot of ways that only now am I catching up to. Musto is right about all those years of non-reportable income. You should be able to get aid. Flood the market with scholarship applications and student loan apps. Be prepared to be focused for about 3-4 years to start and finish the college thing. Don't way another few years. You're still fairly young and unattached. The dynamics completely change when your family circumstances change.
i guess i should introduce myself for i am a new poster-boy :-) my name is jason howard and i currently reside in santa cruz, california.
i spent the first 24 years of my life as a jw, starting in danbury, ct, then to fayetteville & charlotte, nc, and finally brooklyn, bethel, where finally all of my negative inner thoughts and feelings were confirmed.
(from the ages of 14-24 i always felt something just didn't add up with the organization, but i could never quite put a finger on it) i spent my career at bethel in the brooklyn warehouse/purchasing departments and worked with some really great individuals.
Key those were the days. I would go there if someone slipped me some "greenbacks" on the tour route........
i guess i should introduce myself for i am a new poster-boy :-) my name is jason howard and i currently reside in santa cruz, california.
i spent the first 24 years of my life as a jw, starting in danbury, ct, then to fayetteville & charlotte, nc, and finally brooklyn, bethel, where finally all of my negative inner thoughts and feelings were confirmed.
(from the ages of 14-24 i always felt something just didn't add up with the organization, but i could never quite put a finger on it) i spent my career at bethel in the brooklyn warehouse/purchasing departments and worked with some really great individuals.
Speaking of R-rated you remember the video rental shop on Montague street? You know the one that would double as a spider's web for brothers trying to rent R-rated movies? The society used to get a monthly check list from them to check on what movies the Bethelites were renting. Many a brother was talked to and sent back home because he rented an R-rated movie. And Bethel was full of lushes..........The figure may be even higher than the 50% that you gave.
i guess i should introduce myself for i am a new poster-boy :-) my name is jason howard and i currently reside in santa cruz, california.
i spent the first 24 years of my life as a jw, starting in danbury, ct, then to fayetteville & charlotte, nc, and finally brooklyn, bethel, where finally all of my negative inner thoughts and feelings were confirmed.
(from the ages of 14-24 i always felt something just didn't add up with the organization, but i could never quite put a finger on it) i spent my career at bethel in the brooklyn warehouse/purchasing departments and worked with some really great individuals.
Hey Jason & Joe Schmoe,
I probably know you two. I was there the exact same years (93-98). I spent a lot of time at the Factory and at 360 Furman so I knew guys like Ralph Walls, John Larson, Fred Curry, David Wilson who were heavies in the Factory and/or Furman. Also did time in the Bindery, Printing, & Cleaning Departments. Yeah, Bethel was something else wasn't it? Sittin' at morning worship at 7:00a.m. chuggin' down granola and oatmeal (yuk), trying to decipher what the hell Karl Klein was saying, listening to ambitious mufuckas talk about how their big goal in life is to be a table head, working your ass off on the plantation and having it validated by a $90-a-month salary, handing over said $90-a-month salary to pay for our phone bill and subway tokens. I can go on and on.
Bethel does clear away those rose colored glasses that you were sporting when you came in all bright eyed and bushy tailed from your home. I'll try and email you guys sometime this week and reflect on the memories.
i guess i should introduce myself for i am a new poster-boy :-) my name is jason howard and i currently reside in santa cruz, california.
i spent the first 24 years of my life as a jw, starting in danbury, ct, then to fayetteville & charlotte, nc, and finally brooklyn, bethel, where finally all of my negative inner thoughts and feelings were confirmed.
(from the ages of 14-24 i always felt something just didn't add up with the organization, but i could never quite put a finger on it) i spent my career at bethel in the brooklyn warehouse/purchasing departments and worked with some really great individuals.
just a question that occurred to me.
how often do you post here?.
let me tell you about my posting habits to get the ball rolling.. i never post during the morning (equivalant to midnight-3am in america), purely because i a) have to get to work, busy busy, and b) i am not terribly lucid before my 3rd cup of coffee .
I'm a professional lurker and an irregular publisher oops I mean poster. I'll post to a topic that interests me. My job is kinda demanding so I sometimes post when I don't have any major deadlines. Sometimes I'll get one of those interactive threads started....y'know the type.....JWcom crushes, post a hottie, etc. I've been on this board for a year but only have about 180 posts........
i'll be back in a few......... .
edited by - black man on 9 june 2002 18:33:33.
Kudos on the Dateline piece. Do you plan on remaining a JW? If you do, will you try to promote reform efforts in the WT? Will Silentlambs strictly stay on the Pedophile issue?
Lotsa questions there but I've been dying to know...............
do the gb go out in service?
thanks for any feedback.
They do if they aren't in the infirmary. My question is whether they count time during the weekly governing body meetings and such.
i'll be back in a few......... .
edited by - black man on 9 june 2002 18:33:33.
How's mommydom? Have u got your figure back?